Appointments can be made online or by contacting the practice on (03) 6344 7177.

Whenever possible you will be offered an appointment with your usual doctor at a time that suits. When this is not possible, you will have access to one of the other doctors or the doctor on call for out of hours services.

Our practice staff triage patients when making appointments to ensure that urgent medical matters are provided timely care. Please make it clear to our reception staff if you are ill and require an urgent appointment.

In the event of a medical emergency or urgent appointment you will be seen by the most available doctor.

If it is a severe medical emergency please dial 000 and request an ambulance.

Appointments are normally made for 10-20 minutes . Extended consultations are available upon request. If you have a number of problems or one that requires more time, please ask for a long appointment. Full checks, Cervical smears and insurance medicals usually require long appointments.

For all driving medicals, annual diabetic appointments or appointments that require a nurse, please contact the practice on 6344 7177.

While we attempt at all times to see you at the time of your appointment, matters requiring priority, and unexpectedly complicated consultations may cause delays. Your understanding and patience is always appreciated.

On arriving at the surgery for your appointment, you are requested to present to the reception desk. Our staff make every effort to be efficient, courteous and to maintain confidentiality when carrying out their duties. At times, they work under considerable pressure and there may be short delays in handling appointments, accounts or transferring calls.

They are willing to help with all enquiries concerning the medical practice, which would not normally be handled by your doctor.

Appointments may be made by telephoning (03) 6344 7177 after 8am weekdays and 9am weekends.

We require at least 2 hours notice of cancellation of appointments and reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee for failure to do so.